Inlight Yoga in Powhatan closed its doors in 2020 during covid
We regret we will no longer be able to help you
with your yoga practice
Once our relaxation & meditation recordings are posted online
we'll announce it here.
Yoga's Benefits:
general health
flexibility & mobility
energy & vitality
balance & stability
emotional strength & willpower
balances the nervous system
mental focus
peace of mind
deeper peace
We closed our physical doors in 2020.
I want to acknowledge those yogis that continued their practice with inlight:
You learned new new ways to practice, tried zoom,
stuck with it, even though it was brand new.
You braved the elements & heat in outdoor yoga.
You practiced with recordings. You liked the facebook posts.
You kept together as a sangha, kept together our experiment
of community, volunteer yoga.
Congratulations to you all & thank you. Let's keep it going together.
21 years of inlight (2002-2023).
Zoom * Outdoor * Recordings * Private Sessions * Workshops * Yoga Therapy
Stress less tips from inlight.
400 in all. For anyone that would like all of them in one document,
just e-mail - yoga@inlightyoga.com.
Month end billing on classes & recordings:
Scroll down to see costs...

Yoga Classes:
zoom & outdoor
zoom yoga classes are 90 minutes
outdoor classes are 60 minutes
Guided Relaxations:
with recording
relaxations run 15-30minutes
Private Lessons:
$75 for 90-minute lesson (11th free)
$60 for 1 hour lesson
$35 for 1/2 hour
(additional person, additional $10 each)
Yoga video recordings:
in-chair, stretching, intermediate, beginners - (to come)
yoga classes are 90 minutes
stretching classes are 60 minutes
Guided Meditations:
with recording
meditations run 5-15minutes